CommandLogic 360



Point-of-Wounding Care Training Promo

This is the promotional video for CommandLogic 360’s first signature course, Point-of-Wounding Care. The theme is “Empowering you to save lives!” and introduces the basic concepts of MCI’s & Triage for the civilian layperson.

Mass Casualty Incident (MCI)/Triage

This video defines and examines mass casualty incidents, as well as triage assessment.

Hemorrhage Control/Tourniquets

In this video, the use of both the Combat Application Tourniquet (CAT) and the Stretch Wrap and Tuck Tourniquet (SWAT T) is demonstrated as an effective form of hemorrhage control.

Hemorrhage Control/Wound Packing

The appropriate method for packing a wound utilizing QuickClot Combat Gauze is demonstrated in this video.

Chest Seals: Penetrating Chest Trauma

This video demonstrates the proper procedure for applying a chest seal to an open chest wound.

Reality-Based Training

In order to add a sense of realism to the training, CommandLogic 360 utilizes hyper-realistic simulation equipment in our Point-of-Wounding Care courses, including trauma manikins, sound effects, and live actors.